Our Solutions
To represent the technology industry for health products, contributing to the creation and maintenance of public policies and regulatory standards that ensure a favorable environment for innovation and competitiveness of associated companies in local and global markets, as well as contributing to the development of the Health industry in the country.
To be the benchmark Association in Health Technology, acting ethically, innovatively, and focused on promoting access to these technologies for the population.
To contribute continuously to the expansion of access to advanced health technologies for the population, aiming for improving quality of life and longevity for everyone.
Transparent action, in compliance with the principles of ethics and integrity.
Respect for people without distinctions, with empathy as the guiding principle of our actions.
Seeking a more inclusive world with no barriers to access the best health practices.
What does ABIMED do?
Founded in 1996, ABIMED brings together approximately 200 advanced technology companies in the area of medical-hospital equipment, products, and supplies. The companies associated with the entity account for 65% of the billing in the medical/hospital segment in the country. The health products industry accounts for 0.6% of the Brazilian GDP, has more than 13 thousand and generates around 140 thousand jobs. In addition, ABIMED brings industry and government closer together, collaborating with the construction of public policies aimed at the industry. It is a protagonist in the creation of a favorable environment for the competitiveness of the associates in the local and global market.
What are the products and services offered by the entity to its associates?
The association offers legal, regulatory and economic support, provided that it is in matters of common interest to its associates, always in the sense of providing guidance from the perspective of the law for various issues.
What are the benefits of an associate?
The associate benefits from a common space, where the work committees meet and exchange knowledge and experiences about the industry. These are the spaces where common interests are converted into proposals for new public policies or revisions of current ones. The association offers legal, regulatory and economic support to its associates, always in the sense of providing guidance from the perspective of the law for various issues. Through the Association, the member has constructive interactions with other international associations and partners in Brazil.
How can I participate in work committees?
The work committees are made up of volunteers from the member companies and are usually coordinated by someone experienced in the subject matter and chosen by the group itself. Just offer your time in favor of the collective interest.
Why participate in work committees?
It is a forum where you can find technical and political answers to your needs.
How can ABIMED help me with regulatory and/or legal matters?
The regulatory and legal committees are permanent and your demand can be forwarded to them for evaluation. Once a demand is categorized as being of common interest, it can then be included on the committee's agenda.
How can ABIMED help me with economic matters?
ABIMED has a consultancy (IN3) that seeks to build economic data on the industry with the aim of informing its associates about the market in which they operate. The newsletters are available for access on the associate Portal
ABIMED aims to represent its members before government entities, regulatory bodies and other relevant players, working with ethics and integrity to build a business environment that is conducive to technology and innovation and that ensures the sustainability and advancement of the system, in order to promote quality of life for the population through access to the best health technologies.
Technology is a great ally of the health industry. It enables people to have earlier diagnoses and more effective treatments. For society, it is essential to reduce the industry's systemic costs.
We believe that Brazilians deserve access to the very best in healthcare procedures. Our commitment is to work so that Brazilians can have a Health System that meets their needs and is sustainable.
We want to provide quality of life for people. The more effective the health solutions, the greater the impact on the population's lives.
Fernando Silveira Filho
Fernando Silveira Filho
Fernando Silveira Filho holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, a graduate degree in Marketing, an MBA in Business Management, and a master’s degree in organizational management. He has 25 years of experience as the chairperson of companies in Brazil and abroad. Recently, Fernando held the position of Country Manager at Isdin Produtos Farmacêuticos Ltda.
Angélica Marques
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Angélica Marques
Regulatory Affairs Manager
After completing her major in 1994 Business Administration and a minor in International Business, Angelica Marques worked in Foreign Trade for over 20 years, and she is a translator and interpreter specializing in medical translation. She is the ABIMEDs Manager of Regulatory Affairs.
Felipe Dias Carvalho
Manager of Institutional and Government Relations in Brasilia
Felipe Dias Carvalho
Manager of Institutional and Government Relations in Brasilia
Felipe Dias Carvalho has a degree in Pharmacy from EF/UFOP. He is studying law at UniCEUB, PhD candidate in public health, and has a master’s degree in Medical Sciences from FMRP/USP. Additionally, he was awarded an MBA from FUNDACE/FEARP/USP. He began his career as a pharmacist at the Hospital das Clínicas at FMRP/USP, leading its implementation and holding the position of managing director of the surgery ward. During his 15 years of experience in different aspects of the health sector, he worked in academia (FCFRP/USP), held relevant positions in the Ministry of Health, in the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), and at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). He also functioned as an ad hoc consultant for Anvisa, director of technical-professional entities, professor of postgraduate courses, and author of technical-scientific publications. Today, he serves as Regional Director of ABIMED in Brasília.
Jorge Roberto Khauaja
Legal & Compliance Manager
Jorge Roberto Khauaja
Legal & Compliance Manager
Graduated in Law from UFRJ and LLM in Business Law from IBMEC/RJ, Jorge Roberto Khauaja’s professional experience spans legal departments in national and multinational companies and law firms, where he participated in compliance and regulatory issues, dealing with regulatory bodies and agencies and government relations at the Federal, State and Municipal levels.
Mariana Serra
Senior Marketing and Communications Assistant
Mariana Serra
Senior Marketing and Communications Assistant
Bachelors in advertising and marketing. Mariana has worked as a finance department officer at service provider companies and in communication, marketing, and logistics.
Tatiana Teixeira
Financial Administrative Manager
Tatiana Teixeira
Financial Administrative Manager
Tatiana Teixeira holds a Bachelor's in Economic Sciences and Technological Training in Capital Markets. Her career entails contributions to the Financial and Administrative areas of Customs Services Sector companies, Metallurgical Industry, Services and Automobile Commerce, and Class Entities such as ABEMD and Associação Pró-Hope.
Silvio Garcia Junior
Government and Institutional Relations Manager, São Paulo, Brazil
Silvio Garcia Junior
Government and Institutional Relations Manager, São Paulo, Brazil
Lawyer with a LL.B degree by Pontífica Universidade Católica (PUC/SP - São Paulo, Brazil), Public Law postgraduate with a major in Public Administration, and Executive MBA in Economics and Public Administration and Government by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Silvio has professional certification, and ESG and Project Management by FGV, as well as Public Policy Advocacy by Associação Brasileira de Relações Institucionais e Governamentais (ABRIG)
Patrícia Frossard
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Patrícia Frossard
Chairman of the Board of Directors
She holds a degree in law and specializations from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, and Getúlio Vargas Foundation. She is also certified as a compliance specialist by the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics - SCCE, and in corporate governance by the Institute of Corporate Governance - IBGC. She worked at the beginning of her career at Abyara Brokers and Sabesp. His last company was PepsiCo, where he remained for 12 years. He joined Philips in 2013 to work in Brazil's Legal and Compliance area. Since May 2019, he has accumulated the functions of Head of Legal and Compliance for Latin America and Cluster Leader for Brazil.
Fabricio Campolina
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Fabricio Campolina
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Fabricio Campolina is a reference in the industry regarding technology, innovation, and digital transformation, and is currently president of Johnson & Johnson MedTech Brasil. He graduated in computer science from UFMG and has an MBA in business administration from Duke University, where he graduated in the top 10% of his class. He was also chairperson of the board at ABIMED, where he led the association's strategic repositioning process, and is a founding member of the Instituto Coalização Saúde.
Mariana Tolovi
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mariana Tolovi
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Brazilian Mariana Tolovi is the General Manager for Latin America at multinational Edwards. Lifesciences, a global leader in medical innovations for patients with structural heart diseases, intensive care, and surgical monitoring. She is an IBGC-certified board member of the Independent Board of Great Place to Work (GPTW) Brazil, and a leader of the GPTW Family Shareholders Committee in Brazil, Mexico, the Caribbean/Central America, Canada, Spain, and France. With a degree in Electronic Engineering and an MBA from Kellog School of Management, Mariana has accumulated in her executive career management experiences in different industries, such as Telecom, Technology industries, such as Telecom, Technology, Healthcare, and Organizational Consulting. In addition, she has experience in several organizational structures of multinational, national, publicly traded, and family-owned companies. She held executive positions as Vice-President of Commercial, Marketing and Institutional Relations at Fleury Group, being part of the Executive Committee until November 2017. Previously, she served at Johnson & Johnson Medical for nine years as Marketing Director for Latin America and General Manager of two branches and spent four years at Telefonica in various Marketing and Sales management positions. In addition to his duties at GPTW, he has been a member of the IBGC's Healthcare Governance Committee since 2015, the AmCham's Corporate Governance Strategic Committee since 2017, and an advisor to Private Equity firms on mergers and acquisitions.
Adriana Costa
Member of the Board of Directors
Adriana Costa
Member of the Board of Directors
Adriana Costa has over two decades of experience in leadership positions in Brazil and Latin America, in Business Management, Marketing, and Sales in the Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Goods, and Industrial Systems industries, in organizations such as General Electric, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), and Siemens Healthineers. She holds a postgraduate degree in Marketing from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with an MBA in Business from Fundação Dom Cabral, currently serving as General Director of Siemens Healthineers in Brazil. She’s been building a legacy of inclusive, collaborative, and inspiring leadership throughout her career.
Bruno Campello
Member of the Board of Directors
Bruno Campello
Member of the Board of Directors
He holds a degree in Administration with an emphasis in Marketing from ESPM, an MBA from Insper, and a certification from the Yale School of Management in Fostering Inclusion and Diversity. With over 20 years of experience in the medical devices and diagnostics industry, specializing in intercultural leadership, turnarounds, business management, and team development. He currently serves as General Manager Brazil at Guerbet and has worked for companies such as BD, Cremer, Mölnlycke, and Smith Nephew.
Cristina Almeida
Member of the Board of Directors
Cristina Almeida
Member of the Board of Directors
Cristina Almeida graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from USP, with MBA in Economic and Strategic Business Management from FGV. She has worked for over 23 years in the Regulatory Affairs area with experience in drugs and medical products, including in vitro diagnostic (IVD) products. During her professional career, she has also held the position of Quality Assurance and has worked in several companies in the Medical Device Sector, such as Abbott Laboratórios do Brasil Ltda, Auto Suture (part of the Medtronic group), and BD, where she has been since 2004 and holds the position of Regulatory Affairs Director for Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, and Bolivia.
Eduardo Winston
Member of the Board of Directors
Eduardo Winston
Member of the Board of Directors
Graduated in Economics from UFRJ and Executive master's in Administration from EBAPE-FGV, has over 18 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Since 2016, he has been acting as Country Leader at NuVasive, expanding his responsibilities in 2024 by assuming the same position in the combined operation of Globus + Nuvasive. Between 2020 and 2024, he chaired the Board of Directors of the Institute for Health Ethics, leading initiatives to promote transparent and ethical practices in the industry. As his career testifies, he’s committed to excellence and leadership, constantly focused on contributing to the sustainable development of the healthcare industry.
Guilherme Costa
Member of the Board of Directors
Guilherme Costa
Member of the Board of Directors
Guilherme Costa is a global business executive with over 20 years of experience in the medical device industry with broad knowledge in planning, budgeting, business development, sales, and marketing. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (1991-1996) Business Administration with an emphasis in Foreign Trade at Universidade Mackenzie (1993- 1996). MSc in International Management at Oxford University (1997-1998) Specializations in marketing and business at Fundação Dom Cabral and Columbia Business School.
Katsuhide Itagaki
Member of the Board of Directors
Katsuhide Itagaki
Member of the Board of Directors
Graduated from the University of Kanagawa, Yokohama, Japan. He worked for 10 years in International Trade at Meiji Seika (Tokyo) and was appointed by the head office management to develop the Latin American branch based in São Paulo (Meiji do Brasil), where he worked for over 10 years. He’s been serving as CEO of Panamedical Sistemas (a company he founded in 1991) for 33 years now, marketing exclusive imports of products for neurosurgery and gynecology-obstetrics.
Leonardo Zocal Garcia
Member of the Board of Directors
Leonardo Zocal Garcia
Member of the Board of Directors
With a degree in Business Administration (PUC-SP), an MBA in Business Management (Fundação Dom Cabral), MBA in Health Management (IBMEC), and Post-MBA in Marketing (Kellogg School of Business). He has been working for over 20 years in the Healthcare industry, accumulating experience in Product and Sales Management, Business Unit Management, and General Management. He has worked for major companies in the healthcare segment such as Johnson & Johnson, Zimmer Biomet, and Víncula. He’s General Manager of ZimVie do Brasil since 2021.
Marina Viana
Member of the Board of Directors
Marina Viana
Member of the Board of Directors
Marina holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from FUMEC MG, an MBA with a specialization in Finance from Fundação Dom Cabral. She is also specialized in digital transformation from Digital House. She lives in São Paulo, is married, and mother of a boy.
José Eduardo Pelino
Deputy Member of the Board of Directors
José Eduardo Pelino
Deputy Member of the Board of Directors
Head of Scientific and Professional Affairs / Public Affairs, Brazil and LatAm at Johnson & Johnson in Consumer, Medical Devices, and Vision Care (12 years). Head of Government & Public Affairs and CSR at Align Technology do Brasil and LatAm (15 years).
Ligia Maura Costa
Chairman of the Independent Ethics Committee
Ligia Maura Costa
Chairman of the Independent Ethics Committee
Full professor at FGV-EAESP. She is a professor at Sciences Po, Paris. She holds a Lecturer degree from FDUSP and a PhD in international law from Université de Paris-X. She holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from FDUSP. She worked at the WTO in the Legal Affairs Division. She was a visiting professor at HEC, Paris, Tsinghua University School, Beijing, and St. Petersburg State University. She is a partner in the Ligia Maura Costa Advocacia law firm, with offices in São Paulo and Paris.
Miguel Cardim Pinto Monteiro
Member of the Independent Ethics Committee
Miguel Cardim Pinto Monteiro
Member of the Independent Ethics Committee
Graduated from the Medical School of Rio de Janeiro at Gama Filho University in 1973. Member of Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões since 1980. Fellow of the American College of Surgeons since 1990. Full Member of the Society of Video-Endoscopic Surgery of Rio de Janeiro since 1996. Member of the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology since 2001. Associate Member of the Word Federation of Surgical Oncology Societies - WFSOS since 2005. Member of the Brazilian Association of Gastric Cancer since 2010. Emeritus Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons since 2013. General Director of the Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado, of the Department of Hospital Management of the State of Rio de Janeiro, of the Secretariat of Health Care from August 2012 until January 2016. Currently acts in private practice as a Practice Owner at Sorocaba Medical Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ and as a contracted physician (CTU) for the Internal Duty of the Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado since April 2021.
Gustavo Biagioli
Member of the Independent Ethics Committee
Gustavo Biagioli
Member of the Independent Ethics Committee
Legal and Compliance Executive with over 20 years of experience in Brazil and Latin America. Guest Professor of Post-Graduation Latu Sensu and free courses in Legal Management, Governance, Risk and Compliance, and Digital Compliance. Data Protection Officer with international certification in Privacy & Data Protection Foundation and ISO 27001 Foundation. Trainer in corruption prevention by the Alliance for Integrity. Specialist in Corruption Risk Assessment by Insper/UN Global Compact. Specialist in ASG Risk Management in the Sustainability Context by Instituto Ethos. Member of the Action Against Corruption Platform of the Global Compact Network Brazil. Member of the Integrity and Environment WGs of the Ethos Institute. Member of the Commissions of Compliance and Support to Legal Departments of OAB/SP. Lawyer graduated from PUC-Campinas, with an Executive MBA in Economic and Corporate Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Rodrigo Camargo
Member of the Audit Committee
Rodrigo Camargo
Member of the Audit Committee
Rodrigo Camargo, Senior Finance Director of Edwards Lifesciences for Latin America, has about 30 years of experience in Finance, with stints at companies such as Ernst & Young, Boston Consulting Group, DuPont, and AAK. He holds a degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and an MBA in Business Administration from Duke University.
Sergio Duarte
Member of the Audit Committee
Sergio Duarte
Member of the Audit Committee
Accounting and Tax Manager at Boston Scientific do Brasil Graduated in Accounting Sciences from Centro Universitário Santana Completed the Leaders of Tomorrow course of Boston Scientific Leadership Development Program at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) Currently pursuing an MBA in Financial Management and Economic Business at FGV.
Tereza Bessa
Member of the Audit Committee
Tereza Bessa
Member of the Audit Committee
Bachelor of Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, with specialization in Tax Law and MBA in Company Law and Economics from FGV. Experience in the tax area acquired in Big Four and companies in the Oil and Gas industries and Manufacturing and Commerce of electronics and medical equipment.
Edison Gandolfi
Deputy Member of the Audit Committee
Edison Gandolfi
Deputy Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the Fiscal Council 18 years of external auditing. Performed audits in industries and service providers, including financial institutions, investment funds, insurance companies, and pension companies. Administrative and Financial, Accounting, Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering, and Ombudsman Director in a medium size Brazilian financial institution for about five years. Member of the IFRS and USGAAP implementation group in audit clients (industries and financial institutions) - by PwC Auditores Independents. Relevant performance in Controllership, Accounting, Auditing, Financial Planning, Tax, Compliance, Accounts Payable and Receivable. Profound knowledge in derivative financial instruments, credit, and financial markets.
General meeting
It advises on ABIMED's decisions, and its proposals will not bind the Board of Directors.
Board of
Elects the members of the Board of Directors, the Ethics Committee, and a new Board of Directors (due to resignation of the incumbent);
Fills vacant positions on the Ethics Committee and the Board of Directors;
Approves accounts, balance sheet, financial statements and budget for the following year;
Ratifies or rectifies the present Statute;
Reforms the by-laws;
It judges appeals filed by Associates excluded by deliberation of the Ethics Committee.
Interferes with ABIMED associates, when they do not follow the precepts of the Code of Conduct;
Prepares and proposes changes to the ABIMED Code of Conduct;
Analyses, initiates and judges administrative proceedings regarding violations of the Code of Conduct.
Business sustainability
To collaborate towards a sustainable business environment with the improvement of regulatory processes and practices guided by technical criteria.
Technology and Inovation
To promote a favorable environment for innovation and the introduction of new technologies that benefit the entire health system through the more rational use of resources and greater effectiveness in treatments, contributing to a better quality of life for the population.
Ethics and compliance
To improve the sector's ethical environment through the practices of its members, fostering integrity programs, proposing public policies that promote ethics and transparency, and strengthening the association's corporate governance.
To contribute so that the sector is aligned with the best practices of environmental preservation and committed to policies that promote the well-being of society as a whole.
To develop initiatives related to the dissemination of knowledge by holding courses and offering technical and academic content aimed at our associates' employees and other interested parties.
Check the Bylaws of the Brazilian Association of the Health Technology Industry