about abimed

Brazilian Association of the Health Technology Industry

ABIMED, an entity that brings together companies representing about 65% of the medical equipment and devices market in Brazil, the segment has the equivalent of 0.6% of the national GDP, with diversity of sizes and origin of capital and that the market generates approximately 174,000 direct and qualified jobs, has the purpose of continuously contributing to the expansion of the population's access to advanced technologies for health, aiming at quality of life and longevity of people.

Our mission is to represent the interests of the health products technology industry, promoting the creation and maintenance of policies that guarantee a favorable environment for innovation and the competitiveness of our associates in the local and global markets, as well as contribute to the development of the health sector in the country.

Our Vision is to be the reference association in the Health Products industry, as an ethical institution, innovative and promoting the population's access to technology. We will do this based on our values, which are Integrity, Respect, and Inclusiveness.

Represents more than


Advanced technology companies in the field of medical and hospital equipment, products and supplies.

Billing of


The companies associated with the entity account for 65% of the billing in the medical/hospital segment in the country.

Jobs generated by the associates:


The health products industry accounts for 0.6% of the Brazilian GDP, has more than 13 thousand and generates around 174 thousand jobs.


To represent the technology industry for health products, contributing to the creation and maintenance of public policies and regulatory standards that ensure a favorable environment for innovation and competitiveness of associated companies in local and global markets, as well as contributing to the development of the Health industry in the country.


To be the benchmark Association in Health Technology, acting ethically, innovatively, and focused on promoting access to these technologies for the population.


To contribute continuously to the expansion of access to advanced health technologies for the population, aiming for improving quality of life and longevity for everyone.



Transparent action, in compliance with the principles of ethics and integrity.


Respect for people without distinctions, with empathy as the guiding principle of our actions.


Seeking a more inclusive world with no barriers to access the best health practices.


What does ABIMED do?

Founded in 1996, ABIMED brings together approximately 200 advanced technology companies in the area of medical-hospital equipment, products, and supplies. The companies associated with the entity account for 65% of the billing in the medical/hospital segment in the country. The health products industry accounts for 0.6% of the Brazilian GDP, has more than 13 thousand and generates around 140 thousand jobs. In addition, ABIMED brings industry and government closer together, collaborating with the construction of public policies aimed at the industry. It is a protagonist in the creation of a favorable environment for the competitiveness of the associates in the local and global market.

What are the products and services offered by the entity to its associates?

The association offers legal, regulatory and economic support, provided that it is in matters of common interest to its associates, always in the sense of providing guidance from the perspective of the law for various issues.

What are the benefits of an associate?

The associate benefits from a common space, where the work committees meet and exchange knowledge and experiences about the industry. These are the spaces where common interests are converted into proposals for new public policies or revisions of current ones. The association offers legal, regulatory and economic support to its associates, always in the sense of providing guidance from the perspective of the law for various issues. Through the Association, the member has constructive interactions with other international associations and partners in Brazil.

How can I participate in work committees?

The work committees are made up of volunteers from the member companies and are usually coordinated by someone experienced in the subject matter and chosen by the group itself. Just offer your time in favor of the collective interest.

Why participate in work committees?

It is a forum where you can find technical and political answers to your needs.

How can ABIMED help me with regulatory and/or legal matters?

The regulatory and legal committees are permanent and your demand can be forwarded to them for evaluation. Once a demand is categorized as being of common interest, it can then be included on the committee's agenda.

How can ABIMED help me with economic matters?

ABIMED has a consultancy (IN3) that seeks to build economic data on the industry with the aim of informing its associates about the market in which they operate. The newsletters are available for access on the associate Portal


ABIMED aims to represent its members before government entities, regulatory bodies and other relevant players, working with ethics and integrity to build a business environment that is conducive to technology and innovation and that ensures the sustainability and advancement of the system, in order to promote quality of life for the population through access to the best health technologies.


Technology is a great ally of the health industry. It enables people to have earlier diagnoses and more effective treatments. For society, it is essential to reduce the industry's systemic costs.

Access to health

We believe that Brazilians deserve access to the very best in healthcare procedures. Our commitment is to work so that Brazilians can have a Health System that meets their needs and is sustainable.

Quality of life

We want to provide quality of life for people. The more effective the health solutions, the greater the impact on the population's lives.

Fernando Silveira Filho


Angélica Marques

Regulatory Affairs Manager

Felipe Dias Carvalho

Manager of Institutional and Government Relations in Brasilia

Jorge Roberto Khauaja

Legal & Compliance Manager

Mariana Serra

Senior Marketing and Communications Assistant

Tatiana Teixeira

Financial Administrative Manager

Silvio Garcia Junior

Government and Institutional Relations Manager, São Paulo, Brazil

Patrícia Frossard

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Fabricio Campolina

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mariana Tolovi

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

Adriana Costa

Member of the Board of Directors

Bruno Campello

Member of the Board of Directors

Cristina Almeida

Member of the Board of Directors

Eduardo Winston

Member of the Board of Directors

Guilherme Costa

Member of the Board of Directors

Katsuhide Itagaki

Member of the Board of Directors

Leonardo Zocal Garcia

Member of the Board of Directors

Marina Viana

Member of the Board of Directors

José Eduardo Pelino

Deputy Member of the Board of Directors

Ligia Maura Costa

Chairman of the Independent Ethics Committee

Miguel Cardim Pinto Monteiro

Member of the Independent Ethics Committee

Gustavo Biagioli

Member of the Independent Ethics Committee

Rodrigo Camargo

Member of the Audit Committee

Sergio Duarte

Member of the Audit Committee

Tereza Bessa

Member of the Audit Committee

Edison Gandolfi

Deputy Member of the Audit Committee


General meeting


It advises on ABIMED's decisions, and its proposals will not bind the Board of Directors.

Board of

Elects the members of the Board of Directors, the Ethics Committee, and a new Board of Directors (due to resignation of the incumbent);

Fills vacant positions on the Ethics Committee and the Board of Directors;

Approves accounts, balance sheet, financial statements and budget for the following year;

Ratifies or rectifies the present Statute;

Reforms the by-laws;

It judges appeals filed by Associates excluded by deliberation of the Ethics Committee.


Interferes with ABIMED associates, when they do not follow the precepts of the Code of Conduct;

Prepares and proposes changes to the ABIMED Code of Conduct;

Analyses, initiates and judges administrative proceedings regarding violations of the Code of Conduct.

Strategic Axes

  • Activities of the Association
  • Challenges and Goals of the Association
  • Orientation of the Committees
  • Actions for Stakeholders
  • Products and Services

Strategic Axes


Business sustainability

To collaborate towards a sustainable business environment with the improvement of regulatory processes and practices guided by technical criteria.

Technology and Inovation

To promote a favorable environment for innovation and the introduction of new technologies that benefit the entire health system through the more rational use of resources and greater effectiveness in treatments, contributing to a better quality of life for the population.

Ethics and compliance

To improve the sector's ethical environment through the practices of its members, fostering integrity programs, proposing public policies that promote ethics and transparency, and strengthening the association's corporate governance.


To contribute so that the sector is aligned with the best practices of environmental preservation and committed to policies that promote the well-being of society as a whole.


To develop initiatives related to the dissemination of knowledge by holding courses and offering technical and academic content aimed at our associates' employees and other interested parties.



Committee of Compliance and Legal

It acts in consultation, discussing and recommending governance actions, good practices, always based on the ABIMED Code of Conduct, in addition to discussing topics of good practices aimed at improving the industry's commercial relations. Produces educational and training materials (e.g. primers, manuals, technical papers), which enable training and continuous improvement of the business environment of the associates. Who can participate: Professionals from the areas of Legal, Compliance, Fiscal/Tax, Government Relations and/or with activities related to the topics addressed in the Committees.

Conformity Assessment

Discussions on INMETRO and ANATEL certification and approval regulations for medical devices. Requests, proposal of standards; participation in Public Consultations, Sector Dialogues, and other social participation initiatives. Who can participate: Regulatory and quality professionals from member companies.

LATAM Regulatory Intelligence

Registration of medical devices in Latin America. Follow-up of countries, claims, proposals for norms, participation in Public Consultations, promotion of presentations in countries in the region. Who can participate: Regulatory and quality professionals currently working for member companies.

CISC | Comitê Industrial e Supply Chain

The Committee's objective is to discuss and support topics related to the medical device industry and its supply chain.

Legal & Compliance

Responsible for the evaluation of strategies and legal affairs concerning the work of ABIMED and its associates, as well as following-up, discussing and improving governance, ethics and compliance best practices within the medical equipment and supplies industry.

The Committee elaborates evaluation reports and papers and performs consulting work regarding the Executive Board, always in a collaborative and consulting fashion, through papers, projects, articles and different contributions aimed at making the industry more ethical and transparent. Professionals within the legal, compliance, corporate governance, and intergovernmental affairs departments are the ones more directly connected to the Committee. Any associate can assign representatives to the Committee.


Analysis and definition of referrals for legislative proposals on fiscal and tax issues that may affect the sector in any way, to assess the impact on the daily lives of members, including subsidies for legal proceedings. Produces educational and training materials (eg booklets, manuals, technical works), which enable training and continuous improvement of the business environment of the member companies. Who can participate: Professionals from the Legal, Compliance, Fiscal/Tax, Government Relations departments and/or with activities related to the topics addressed in the Committees.

Technology and Inovation

To promote a favorable environment for innovation and the introduction of new technologies that benefit the entire health system through the more rational use of resources and greater effectiveness in treatments, contributing to a better quality of life for the population.


To contribute so that the sector is aligned with the best practices of environmental preservation and committed to policies that promote the well-being of society as a whole.

Institutional and Government Relations Committee

With the support of the Brasilia and São Paulo managers, to monitor the activities, both in the Legislative and Executive branches, that may affect the Health Products market. They highlight PLs (Bill of Laws) and policies of the Ministries, propose eventual substitutes for PLs, follow up with the Regional Manager on cooperation with influential bodies (e.g.: CNI, APEX, PAHO), interact, whenever pertinent, with other ABIMED Committees, such as Legal, Regulatory Intelligence and Tax. Who can participate: Professionals in Government and Institutional Relations, Government Affairs, HTA and market access and Health Policy.

Family Groups

The Committee's objective, as well as its annual goals, must be totally aligned with the Mission, Vision, and Strategic Pillars defined in ABIMED's Strategic Planning. To represent and coordinate the interests of ABIMED members classified as Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MPE) that operate in the high technology industry sector of health products, promoting the integration of this portion within the business environment, monitoring and providing advice by ABIMED ensuring a favorable environment for innovation and competitiveness. Who can participate: Companies classified as "Micro", "Small" or "Medium", according to the form completed upon admission as an ABIMED associate. Unlike the other Committees, the company may designate a "generic" representative and, depending on the topic brought up.

COMEX (Foreign Trade Committee)

With the objective Linked to the Sustainability Axis of the business environment, the committee intends to address guidelines of interest to associates in the Foreign Trade area, with a view to bringing about improvements in processes and import logistics. As the themes permeate tax, logistical and regulatory issues, there are opportunities for synergy with other ABIMED Committees, such as the Fiscal and Tax Committee and the Regulatory Intelligence Committee. The way of working is periodic meetings scheduled annually, with guidelines that can be proposed by the members to the coordination and Sponsor ABIMED.


Check the Bylaws of the Brazilian Association of the Health Technology Industry

See bylaws