ABIMED supports unprecedented research into health corruption

Publicado em 21/02/2024 • News • English

ABIMED, together with other entities in the sector, is sponsoring the survey  “Índice de Percepção da Corrupção no Setor da Saúde” (Corruption Perception Index in the Health Sector), which the Instituto Ética Saúde announced in January. The study will have its first results released in the second half of the year and is coordinated by the Center for Ethics, Transparency, Integrity and Compliance Studies (FGVethics) and the Center for Health Planning and Management Studies (FGVsaúde), of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

The work will map corruption risks in healthcare, assess perceptions of illegalities and identify key indicators for improving compliance performance. Doctors, patients, health plans, service providers, manufacturers, distributors and others will be heard.

This issue is among ABIMED’s priorities, and its Code of Conduct, which establishes guidelines for members and the market, is already in its sixth edition.


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