ABIMED Campus prepares 2023 schedule

Publicado em 28/02/2023 • Notícias • Português
Inaugurated at the end of last year, the ABIMED Campus is an initiative linked to the Strategic Axis of Education and aimed at the specialized qualification for the development of employees from associated companies. In 2023, the training program directed to the needs of the medical devices sector will be intense, besides counting on institutional partners.
Resulting from a Technical Cooperation Agreement signed with the Integrated Manufacturing and Technology Center of the Brazilian Service for Industrial Learning (Senai/Cimatec), the ABIMED Campus has a wide offer of educational programs, covering all spheres of activity, from operational to management areas. The training is structured to offer specific training to meet the sector’s demands, by means of short term refresher courses, MBA in the corporate university model, and even graduate (masters and doctorate) and MBA.
Positive results
The first program offered by the ABIMED Campus, “Regulatory impact assessment in the health products life cycle”, was a great success, reaching an average of 82% in the participants’ general satisfaction index. The infrastructure was unanimously praised by the students, with the library and laboratories widely praised in the assessment, as well as the administrative process and the clarity of the information obtained about the academic part. The professors’ performance was also praised for their ease of communication and good rapport with the students during class time.
Overall, the first course met the expectations of both the organization and the students. The feedbacks were very satisfactory and, even with the excellent results, also pointed the direction to the aspects that need improvement in search of the high level of teaching quality required for the sector.