ABIMED continues defending strategic themes for the sector

Publicado em 04/05/2023 • Notícias • Português
With strategic and effective feats, ABIMED has been achieving progress in important issues for the medical equipment and devices sector. ABIMED’s Institutional and Governmental Relations area in Brasilia acted decisively for the creation of the MedTec Mixed Parliamentary Front and in the launching of the Manifesto for Tax Reform, signed by the entities in the sector.
Beyond these topics, included on the Association’s agenda is the List of Exceptions to the Common Foreign Tariff (LETEC) for the List of Temporary Reduction of Import Duty Rates to Combat Covid-19, simply called the “Covid List”. ABIMED makes efforts so that, facing the possible ending of the Covid List, the NCMs (Mercosur Common Nomenclature) 9018.90.99 and 9018.39.29 return to LETEC, in order to avoid the finish of a period of about two decades of import tax exemptions.
In a meeting with the Executive-Secretary of CAMEX (Foreign Trade Chamber), Marcela Carvalho, ABIMED was able to explain the sector’s plea, as well as its concerns that changes in LETEC may affect products in the segment of medical equipment and devices.
Another topic of concern in the Institutional and Governmental Relations area is the use of good practices in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for medical procedures and devices. The goal is to help qualify the HTA processes for medical devices in Brazil, collaborating with institutions, universities, thought leaders and decision makers, so that good practices are assimilated and widely used in the country.