ABIMED works to maintain the “Covid List” tax exemption

Publicado em 31/03/2023 • Notícias • Português
Given the transfer of NCMs 9018.90.99 and 9018.39.29 from the List of Exceptions to the Common External Tax (LETEC) to the so-called “Covid List” (according to GECEX Resolutions 381 and 387/2022), ABIMED has been working so that, in the face of a possible extinction of the Covid List, the mentioned NCMs return to the LETEC. The goal is to ensure that the period of about two decades of import tax exemptions is not ended.
In this sense, a meeting was held with the Secretary of Science, Technology, Innovation and Health Complex of the Ministry of Health (SECTICS/MS), Carlos Gadelha, to make known the plea of the sector regarding the need for the return of the NCMs to LETEC and to read the scenario in the new government regarding the willingness to carry out new renewals of the Covid List. There was signaling from the SECTICS/MS team that they will send to CAMEX a renewal request for the Covid List, with a reduction in the number of items, but maintaining the two NCMs.
The full resolution can be accessed here.