Anvisa launches informative panel on import process deadlines and promotes other adjustments

Publicado em 31/03/2023 • Notícias • Português
Since February 23rd, the new panel of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) is available for consultation which brings information about the analysis queue of import processes. According to information from the federal government’s website, the tool allows you to see the date of entry of each case and the date of its distribution for analysis. From this information it becomes possible to calculate how many days the filed cases wait until they are analyzed.
The panel allows consultation of primary petitions, i.e., those awaiting distribution for analysis and is divided as follows: Medicines Import Consent Post (PAFME); Food, Cosmetics, Sanitizing and Other Import Consent Post (PAFAL, internally divided into PAFCO); and the Health Products Import Consent Post (PAFPS).
On the “post-shipment” tab of the dashboard, the search must be performed using the secondary petition expedient. Therefore, this queue contains only the processes whose shipment has already been authorized.
Processes that have protocols or priority situations will be visualized in the same queues. However, the treatment for priority distribution will be done internally by the area. In such cases, a change in the queue distribution order will occur. The distribution date shown on the panel refers to when the process was sent for analysis. The analysis follow-up can be done by the Siscomex system/Unified Foreign Trade Portal.
In consultations with the panel, ABIMED notes that the deadlines have been maintained at up to 30 days for distribution, analysis, and granting. The delays in imports are reflected in increased logistics costs and also in shortages. However, Anvisa has been making internal adjustments to the processes and systems to improve the deadlines, such as the implementation of changes in the parameterization system that occurred on March 6th.
Source Anvisa: panel that contains the analysis queue of import processes.